Sunrise Meditation in Cruz Bay and Coral Bay

It’s a new dawn. Whether you’re in Cruz Bay or Coral Bay or points in between, you can now greet the day with group morning meditation. Unite the island as we sit together while the sun rises over the sea.

Downtown Cruz Bay at YagaFLO
Silent seated meditation
Monday through Saturday
6:30 AM – 7:00 AM
Arrive 15 minutes early for instruction
FREE – Donations accepted

Coral Bay at Dr. Bob’s Chiropractics in the Cocoloba Center, Second Level
Silent seated meditation
Monday through Saturday
5:45 AM – 6:15 AM
Arrive 15 minutes early for instruction
FREE – Donations accepted

The Benefits of Meditation

The benefits of meditation are endless and certainly deserve your contemplation and consideration. Many successful business people, celebrities and sports professionals practice and enjoy the benefits of meditation. Numerous businesses promote and provide help and assistance to their staff with the benefits of meditation courses and because of this they gain an advantage over their competitors and create more profit.

Research has scientifically proven that meditation is a safe and simple way to balance your physical, emotional, and mental state and its countless values have been known and practiced for thousands of years. More and more doctors promote the benefits of meditation to cure many stress related illnesses. Everyday most of us experience stress in many different ways and I believe many people are simply not aware of the benefits of meditation or of how much stress we actually hold on to. Normally life threatening situations trigger off the stress response which enables us to act without contemplation and deliberation and survive intense situations using fast reflexes. When our bodies are exposed to a sudden threat we respond with the characteristic fight or flight reaction which is known as an adrenaline rush. When adrenaline and other hormones are released from the adrenal glands the pulse races, blood pressure increases, our breathing becomes faster and the blood flow to the muscles increases. If we are in extreme danger these reactions are of great assistance and gain to us. We have inherited this survival response from our ancestors who faced many life threatening situations every day. The same response is now triggered in our daily lives when we are in a traffic hold up or someone irritates us at work or we simply break a cup. If we do not confront the situation (and many are beyond our control) we end up being in a permanent state of stress.

One of the most important benefits of meditation is how it releases stress from our bodies. Meditation practiced regularly will lead you to a deeper level of relaxation and contemplation. If you want to be free of constant worry, pressure and stress the benefits of meditation can give you a life that is calm, peaceful, happy and relaxed.

Even ten minutes of meditation a day will help alleviate stress.