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Most people who are addicted to smoking don’t know how to break this habit. People often find it very tough to quitting nicotine and therefore quit smoking as they find themselves in a habit. Sometimes cravings to smoke are so strong that smokers cannot resist the urge and they find themselves giving up and smoking. It’s almost like they feel trapped and their lives are controlled by cigarette. Every single cigarette that smokers smoke can reduce their life expectancy and nobody wants to die young!
We are all well aware that smoking is very bad for our health. Those who desperately want to quit smoking try several ways of quitting; one of them is to go cold turkey to stop smoking without using nicotine replacement. Quitting smoking by going cold turkey because it takes a huge amount of will power to stop! Other people use nicotine replacement therapy, which is designed to work reduce your cravings so can help you quit smoking.
Based upon various surveys, 68% smokers seriously want to quit smoking and this is why they are looking fora solution to do so. Smokers actively want to access evidence-based behaioural support but do not know where to find it.
Now there is a solution for all these smokers around the world who want to quit and want scientifically proven behavioral therapy. It is called Quit Genius. It is a simple Quit Smoking app that is delivers a digital cognitive behavioral therapy programme to smokers trying to stop smoking. What’s more, it’s personalized to the user and uses gamification to make it more engaging. With daily streak counts, time-based challenges and unexpected trophies, you can stay motivated and keep on track of disassociating from smoking. The quit smoking program designed by doctors and world-leading experts helps break the smoking habit using cognitive behavioral therapy.
QuitGenius uses a personalized approach towards quitting smoking which encourages working at your own pace and following a bespoke plan on a smart phone app. The app is designed to deliver evidence-based therapy. The app uses scientifically proven stop smoking techniques to provide everything you need to quit smoking once and for all!
About QuitGenius:
Quit Smoking app is an iPhone and Android app offering personalized cognitive behavioral therapy to stop smoking. It is with an eight week tailored program which is split into bite-sized steps and can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
To download this app for free, visit quitgenius.com.