• Sanford Broussard posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    in English, Spanish OBJETIVO Describir en una muestra nacional 1) la prevalencia de dislipidemias, su diagnóstico previo, tratamiento y control, y 2) la prevalencia de dislipidemias en las encuestas previas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS Se analizaron datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2012 con representatividad nacional. Se analizaron fracciones de lípidos séricos de 9 566 adultos ≥20 años con ayuno ≥8 horas. Se estimaron las prevalencias de dislipidemias, diagnóstico previo (DP), tratamiento y control, ajustadas por edad. Se presenta un análisis comparativo de las prevalencias de dislipidemias reportadas previamente. RESULTADOS Las dislipidemias más prevalentes en adultos mexicanos fueron hipoalfalipoprotei- nemia y LDL-C elevado. Uno de cada cuatro adultos tenía hipercolesterolemia al momento de la entrevista, sin DP. El DP, tratamiento y control de dislipidemias fue de 12.6, 3.7 y 3.1%, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES Las dislipidemias son el factor de riesgo para enfermedades cardiovasculares más prevalente en adultos mexicanos. Se necesitan políticas públicas para incrementar el diagnóstico, acceso a terapia y control.in English, Spanish OBJETIVO Analizar factores de riesgo asociados con sobrepeso y obesidad (SP+O) en adolescentes mexicanas (12 a 19 años). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS Análisis secundario de 1 072 adolescentes de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición de Medio Camino 2016. Mediante modelos de regresión logística ordinal se estimó la asociación entre SP+O y tiempo frente a pantalla, convivir con adultos con SP+O, cohabitar con pareja, patrones dietarios, entre otros. RESULTADOS El SP+O en adolescentes se asoció con convivir con adultos con SP+O (RM=2.13), >2 horas frente a pantalla (RM=2.5), patrón de consumo de alimentos discrecionales (RM=1.81), cohabitar con pareja (RM=2.13), índice de condición de bienestar alto (RM=1.86) y dedicarse al hogar y trabajar (RM=5.4). CONCLUSIONES Los factores de riesgo más importantes asociados con el SP+O en adolescentes mexicanas se relacionan con factores de convivencia familiar y de estilos de vida.This is the introductory article in a six-part series in Nursing Older People exploring the nursing care of people living with advanced dementia. It discusses the complex and progressive array of nursing required to meet the needs of individuals, the provision of personal care, learning and leadership, meaningful activity, and palliative and end of life care. A main theme of the series is the exceptional nursing skills and knowledge required to deliver evidence-informed care with compassion and respect for people living with advanced dementia. This introductory article provides background information to contextualise advanced dementia and identify the main challenges facing nurses, nurse educators and nurse leaders. © 2020 RCN Publishing Company Ltd. learn more All rights reserved. Not to be copied, transmitted or recorded in any way, in whole or part, without prior permission of the publishers.Disputes about the research and development of syndrome traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) new drug in Guidance for syndrome TCM new drug development still exist, including the fact that it is unclear whether the compound TCM preparations just targeting a sort of syndrome is in line with the TCM theory and that it is obscure what are clinical advantages of syndrome new drug as compared with new drug targeting both disease and syndrome. Based on TCM classical theory, dating back to intervention opinions of successive dynasties, theory of three-dimensional N levels was proposed from the aspects of intervention modes, intervention latitudes and formulae to illustrate that the syndrome TCM new drug is in line with TCM theory. As for the first dimension, the intervention modes of TCM could be classified into targeting disease, targeting pathology and targeting symptoms, and the basic elements were extracted as constitution, disease, pathogenesis, pathology, location, symptoms, Western medicine pathology and Westernvels, the clinical orientation of syndrome TCM new drugs and their advantages over disease-syndrome new drugs were as follows syndrome TCM new drugs may be considered for novel disease without clear basic pathogenesis or advance regulation, complicated diseases, complicating diseases, geriatric disease and ba-lancing TCM constitution.Through consulting the herbs and medical books of past dynasties, combining with modern literature and field investigation, this paper made textual research on the name, origin, producing area, harvesting and processing of Bupleuri Radix used in the Catalogue of Ancient Classical Prescriptions(the first batch).From Han to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the source of Bupleuri Radix was a mixture of Bupleurum and Peucedanum, it’s hard to define the origin of authentic products.In Tang Dynasty, Caryophyllaceae had been used as Bupleuri Radix. In Song Dynasty, it was clear that the genuine production area of Bupleuri Radix was Yinzhou, its origin was B. corzonerifolium and B. yinchowense.After the Ming Dynasty, B. chinense gradually became the mainstream. It has been confirmed that there were differences in the efficacy between Stellaria dichotoma in Caryophyllaceae and Bupleurum in Umbelliferae, however, the use of S. dichotoma is still attributed to Bupleuri Radix. In the Qing Dynasty, S. dichotoma was distinguished from Bupleuri Radix as another medicine. Among the prescriptions containing Bupleuri Radix included in the Catalogue of Classical Prescriptions in Ancient China(the first batch), the mainstream of genuine Bupleuri Radix should be B. scorzonerifolium and B. chinense. It is suggested that the genuine base of Bupleuri Radix should be selected according to the current resources and industrial development of Bupleuri Radix, and it should conform to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.Indigenous knowledge and traditional culture for sustainable use of native plants in Juenang cultural region of Rangtang county, Aba Zang and Qiang Prefecture of Sichuan province, have been characterized in this paper followed the principles and methods of ethnobotany. The results indicate that 38 species from 27 families(including 6 species of fungi) are ethnobotanically used commonly in this area. Of 38 species of the native plants, 13 species from 12 families are collected for eatables and vegetables, 12 families and 16 species of indigenous plants for medicinal and edible use, 4 species from 4 families for decoration, 4 species from 4 families used for building materials or firewood, and 1 species from 1 families used for religious folklore. Under the influence of Juenang culture and Tibetan culture, indigenous knowledge such as instinctive reverence and gratitude for nature, protection ecological environment and habitats, and moderate use of natural resources(especially wild bioresource), have been gotten passed on from generation to generation in Juenang culture region of Rangtang county, which is of great significance to the protection of local bioresources and environment, including ethnic medicinal plants, and also to provide practical guidance for biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration in those alpine ecological vulnerable areas.