• in English, French Ceux d’entre nous qui travaillent dans le domaine de la bioéthique tiennent pour acquis que le reste du monde lit notre travail et l’utilise dans le cadre de leurs processus d’étude et de raisonnement. Il est vrai que certains des plus grands bioéthiciens jouissent d’une grande influence nationale et internationale, mais les…[Read more]

  • A variety of advanced available analytical techniques were identified that may help to provide additional detail on cellular, structural, and compositional characteristics in rare bone diseases complementing classical histopathology. Discussion To date, these techniques have only been used in research and not in daily clinical practice. Clinical…[Read more]

  • Background Genital infection with certain types of Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a major cause of cervical cancer globally. For early detection of premalignant dysplasia, evidences are coming out on the usefulness of HPV E6/E7 mRNA test as a potential tool compared with cytology and HPV DNA testing. Taking into account shortage of compiled data on…[Read more]

  • ffectively prevented CNV and microglial infiltration. CONCLUSIONS Our findings suggest that the novel CCBs identified here are effective anti-inflammatory agents that can be further evaluated for treating NV disorders and can be potentially applied in the treatment of ocular inflammatory and pathological angiogenetic disorders.BACKGROUND The…[Read more]

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