Suki Bachalter
Integrated hatha flow
Maho Bay Campgrounds
Private instruction available
Suki Dickson Buchalter is currently full time Yoga Instructor at Maho Bay Camps where she practices Massage Therapy and Energy Bodywork. Her desire, to be of service to humanity, started with her Protestant upbringing on a farm in Ohio. Her Ohio farm roots and growing up in extended family gave Suki the strength and courage to explore the world. She graduated Ohio University with a Degree in Social Work and since that time, has been an active member of the Human Potential movement and actively seeking self- realization. Discouraged with institutional therapies, Suki began her lifelong study of Wholistic Healing in 1975. This includes the study of Yoga, the use of herbs and healthy foods, healing massage, natural childbirth, the Medicine Wheel, and gemstone therapy jewelry. Her yoga practice and the use of herbs and reflexology finally brought healing to a chronic bladder condition, after several years of fruitless attempts at healing with the AMA. This healing experience was instrumental in sending Suki down her path.
An adventurous spirit lead Suki to sail out of the Florida Keys in 1977 and find that home in the sun where she settled in the Virgin Islands in late 1978. Since the 70’s Suki has sailed the Bahamas, the Gulf of Mexico, the North Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea and down island to Trinidad. After meeting her life-partner in St Thomas, Suki and Buck joined forces, raised three children and built a green island home on St John. After her experiences in social work Suki was committed to raising her children wholistically with prenatal yoga, homebirth, herbal and homeopathic medicines and whole foods. Suki has assisted many women in childbirth with her calming hands and encouraging breathwork. She continues to this day to stress the importance of a family centered birth experience and promotes the right of a mother (with proper prenatal care) to birth her child as she chooses and to be free to raise a non- immunized child. She was thrilled to be able to assist her oldest daughter Jessa in two midwife lead homebirths.
The study of the Chakra system has inspired Suki’s creative gemstone jewelry designs. She has developed several lines of jewelry over the years. She offers a Crystal Healing experience with the laying on of Gemstones to the body which allows clearing of blocks in the emotional body and integrating past life experiences into present day healing. Suki’s jewelry is available by Private showing.
A longtime traveler on the Medicine wheel, Suki began offering Women’s Circles which honored the moon’s cycles, after the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. For many, many moons Suki and her dedicated women friends held the new moon time sacred with ritual and song. She has a working library of Native American, Goddess chants, folk songs and loves to share with anyone who is interested. Watching the wheel of the year and making that connection with the cycles is a living experience for Suki.
Suki is currently working with Barbara Marx Hubbard’s idea of honoring this shift in consciousness that we all seem to be experiencing by holding a celebration at Sunrise on Dec 22nd. The 21st of December 2012 is said to be the end of a major planetary cosmic 26,000 year cycle of movement in the galaxy. There is a world wide movement to celebrate the next day Dec 22, 2012 as the Birth of a new consciousness….a shift in consciousness to one more feminine, based on community, compassion and cooperation!
In a search for an active spiritual family on St John, Suki joined the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in 1990. This became an important part of her children’s spiritual understanding and guidance. She has continued to find solace there and as a service to the community brings in many interesting speakers and presents to the group regularly as Program chair.
Suki can be reached for energy bodywork, massage , yoga classes or unique jewelry by calling 340-642-3739 or emailing