Jordan Stryhn posted an update 7 hours, 50 minutes ago
The elliptical design, results, and future options are presented.The multipass Thomson scattering (MPTS) technique is one of the most useful methods for measuring low-electron-density plasmas. The MPTS system increases Thomson scattering (TS) signal intensities by integrating all multipass (MP) signals and improving the TS time resolution by analyzing each pass signal. The fully coaxial MPTS system developed in GAMMA 10/potential-control and diverter-simulator experiments has a polarization-based configuration with image-relaying optics. The MPTS system can enhance Thomson scattered signals for improving the measurement accuracy and megahertz-order time resolution. In this study, we develop a new MPTS system comprising a laser amplification system to obtain continuous MP signals. The laser amplification system can improve degraded laser power and return an amplified laser to the MP system. We obtain continuous MP signals from the laser amplification system by improving the laser beam profile adjuster in gas scattering experiments. Moreover, we demonstrate that more MP signals and stronger amplified MP signals can be achieved via multiple laser injections to the laser amplification system in the developed MP system comprising a laser amplification system.There are currently few viable diagnostic techniques for in situ measurement of plasma facing component erosion. Digital holography is intended to fill this gap. Progress on the development of single and dual CO2 laser digital holography diagnostics for in situ plasma facing component erosion is discussed. The dual laser mode’s synthetic wavelength allows the measurable range to be expanded by a factor of ∼400 compared to single laser digital holography. This allows the diagnostic to measure surface height changes of up to 4.5 μm in single laser mode and up to 2 mm in dual laser mode. Results include ex situ measurements of plasma eroded targets and also dynamic measurements of nm and μm scale motion of a target mounted on a precision translation stage. Dynamic measurements have successfully been made with the system operating in both single and dual laser modes, from ∼50 nm to ∼4 μm in single laser mode and up to ∼400 μm in dual laser mode (limited only by the stage speed and camera acquisition duration). These results demonstrate the feasibility of using digital holography to characterize plasma facing component erosion dynamically, i.e., during plasma exposure. Results of proof-of-principle in situ digital holographic measurements of targets exposed to an electrothermal arc plasma source are presented.Virtual Reality (VR) offers the opportunity to display data, instrumentation, and experimental setups in three dimensions and gives the user the ability to interact with the objects. This technology moves visualization beyond two-dimensional projections on a flat screen with a fixed field of view in which a keyboard or another similar controller is needed to change the view. Advances in both hardware and software for VR make it possible for the non-expert to develop visualization tools for scientific applications both for viewing and for sharing data or diagnostic hardware between users in three dimensions. This manuscript describes application development using two VR software tools, Unity gaming engine and A-frame, for visualizing data and high energy physics targets.Avalanche transistor Marx bank circuits (MBCs) are widely used in high voltage repetitive nanosecond pulse generators, but problems exist with respect to increasing the output voltage due to the limited pulsed current. Accordingly, a novel topology based on an avalanche transistor MBC combined with a linear transformer driver is proposed, the latter of which exhibits advantageous stress distribution and modular structure. A four-module prototype with four units in each module is developed in the laboratory. The output characteristics are investigated by varying important parameters such as the main capacitance, the number of conducting units, the number of cascaded modules, and the trigger signal time delay. The test results verify the validity of the proposed topology. see more For a 50 Ω resistive load, the prototype can generate pulses with an amplitude of 10.9 kV, a rise time of 3.3 ns, and a voltage superposition efficiency of 89%. The topology proposed in this paper may help to provide a method to further improve the output performance of avalanche transistor MBCs.Diagnosing the amount of radiated power is an important research goal for fusion devices. This research aims at better understanding and diagnosing the radiated power from the Large Helical Device (LHD). The current radiated power estimate in the LHD is based on one wide-angle resistive bolometer. Because the estimate stems from one bolometer location toroidally and has a wide-angle poloidal view, this estimate does not take into account toroidal and poloidal radiation asymmetries that are observed in the LHD in discharges with gas puffing. This research develops a method based on the EMC3-Eirene model to calculate the set of coefficients for a weighted-sum method of estimating the radiated power. This study calculates these coefficients by using a least-squares method to solve for a coefficient set, using a variety of simulated cases generated by the EMC3-Eirene model, combined with corresponding geometric radiated power density considerations. If this set of coefficients is multiplied by the detector signal of each bolometer and summed up, this gives a total radiated power estimate. This new estimate takes into account toroidal and poloidal asymmetries by using the bolometer channels viewing different toroidal and poloidal locations, thereby reducing the estimation error and providing information about toroidal asymmetries.An Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging (ECEI) data analysis module has been developed for the OMFIT platform to accommodate the needs of users at the DIII-D tokamak for physics applications. The user can easily access the ECEI spatial observation windows in the plasma that are calculated based on the automatically retrieved hardware setup and available DIII-D equilibria, perform spectral analysis, and obtain 2D electron temperature fluctuation images. The module provides a powerful data post-processing package for extracting important physics parameters from the 2D measurements, including the radial structure and poloidal mode number of Alfven eigenmodes, as well as the frequency-vs-wavenumber dispersion relationship of broadband MHD. The module propagates characterized synthetic fluctuations for the user, so one can perform forward modeling tasks with simple analytical fluctuations.