Downward Dog

Downward Dog

Find Table, (on your hands and knees – hands spread wide pushing into the earth, wrist under the shoulders, knees under the hips…spine is long.)

Then toes tucked under,


On the exhale, push into the hands, lift the knees about five inches from the mat, bring the chest through the arms toward the thighs, tilt your tailbone up toward the sky, straightening legs and lowering the head

Extend the torso up, pushing the flat palms, fingers spread into the earth, feel the hands rooting into the earth with all their power

Melt shoulder blades onto your backs and away from your ears with chest melting to the earth

Heels of the feet extending to the mat.

Breath.  Stay here for a few breaths.  This is another resting position.  It may not feel like it now but it will someday.

Bend the knees toward the floor, return to tabletop, return to child pose.