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Fight Viruses the Ayurvedic Way

Beth Escardo (Yoga Beth) shares the following ayurvedic approaches to preventing illnesses. Join her every 3rd Thursday of the month for RESTORATIVE YOGA & Ayurvedic Pichu at Mongoose Yoga Center – another way to boost your immune system!

The ayurvedic approach to preventing illnesses is by building up the immune system and toning the body to withstand viral attacks. The following remedies not only help to prevent catching a cold but also help in relieving symptoms naturally if you already have a cold.

  • Every morning make a drink consisting of a cup of warm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon and a spoonful of honey.
  • Amla fruit is known to have a very high vitamin C content and regular use builds up the body’s immunity. Amalaki capsules orTriphala capsules taken daily rejuvenate and build up the body’s defences against illnesses and infections. Another well known ayurvedic herb for colds is Vasaka
  • Chyawanprash is the best known ayurvedic remedy to build immunity and prevent colds. Made of a 5000 year old formula this remedy contains over 40 herbs in an amla base. A tablespoon everyday helps maintain optimum health especially during the winter months
  • If you have a cough, take a spoonful of honey every night. It has been found that honey has the same cough suppressing properties as dextromethorphan – the chemical ingredient found in cough medicines to suppress cough. While coughing is the body’s natural mechanism to remove phlegm, taking honey at night helps to relieve coughing and allow a restful night’s sleep
  • Make a warm tea by adding ginger, crushed cardamom, crushed black pepper, cinnamon powder and sugar. Boil and strain the mixture. This drink will instantly help to open nasal passages, relieve sinus pressure and soothe the throat
  • Gargle with warm water every day.
  • Use a neti pot to drain and moisten nasal passages
  • Inhale warm vapors by adding a tablespoon of carom seeds in a pot and allowing the water to steam. Put a towel over your head while inhaling.
  • Applying a small amount of amrutanjan to the forehead and nose will instantly give relief when you have a blocked nose or headache.
  • Avoid cold dairy products such as yogurt and ice cream
  • Take warm showers. The vapors will moisten nasal and throat passages.
  • Drink plenty of warm water and herbal teas

Beth’s next Ayurvedic Pichu is coming up on February 21st – 5:30pm @ Mongoose Yoga

$15 fee  repay to reserve your space or 1st come for prop set up (14 available)  …..a blissful experience!!!

Over 50? We have Yoga for you!

As part of the baby boomer generation Suki Buchalter would like to offer her peers the joy, ease and stability she has found in her yoga practice. She has been able through her yoga practice to remain active and pain free.

Appealing to those new to Yoga or those with injuries sustained over an active lifetime, Suki is offering St. John ”Young at Heart Yoga”. This is a slow–flow Hatha class based on Suki’s training in Vini Yoga. Vini Yoga stresses and encourages the practitioner to adopt the yoga pose to his or her body—not adapt the body to the pose. We attempt to work pain free in Yoga modifying the poses for an over 50 body. “I believe in the ability of our bodies to heal if we give them the right ingredients: Conscious exercise and stretching, being aware of our posture and breath, Giving the body the right foods for our individual constitutions. Nurturing the heart with plenty of connections with loved ones, nature and our higher self to generate those feelings of wellbeing in the heart which resonate in the body. All of the above contribute to our wellbeing, mental health and emotional receptivity.”

Suki began and continues to this day to encourage all people  to practice yoga. She began teaching yoga at Maho Bay Camps Eco Resort in 1997. She is available for private yoga classes, Professional  energy bodywork massage. Suki specializes in Shiatsu, Asian bodywork, Neuromuscular, Reiki, Cranial Sacral techniques and Gemstone therapy and Sound Healing with crystal singing bowls.

Wise Women’s Circles are the next phase  of Suki’s ceremonial work.  Supporting each other in our search for truth and meaning as we enter the third stage of our lives is the intention of the Circle.  If interested in forming a group give Suki a call  at 340-642-3739 or email her at  sukistjohn@gmail.com.

Sunrise Meditation in Cruz Bay and Coral Bay

It’s a new dawn. Whether you’re in Cruz Bay or Coral Bay or points in between, you can now greet the day with group morning meditation. Unite the island as we sit together while the sun rises over the sea.

Downtown Cruz Bay at YagaFLO
Silent seated meditation
Monday through Saturday
6:30 AM – 7:00 AM
Arrive 15 minutes early for instruction
FREE – Donations accepted

Coral Bay at Dr. Bob’s Chiropractics in the Cocoloba Center, Second Level
Silent seated meditation
Monday through Saturday
5:45 AM – 6:15 AM
Arrive 15 minutes early for instruction
FREE – Donations accepted

The Benefits of Meditation

The benefits of meditation are endless and certainly deserve your contemplation and consideration. Many successful business people, celebrities and sports professionals practice and enjoy the benefits of meditation. Numerous businesses promote and provide help and assistance to their staff with the benefits of meditation courses and because of this they gain an advantage over their competitors and create more profit.

Research has scientifically proven that meditation is a safe and simple way to balance your physical, emotional, and mental state and its countless values have been known and practiced for thousands of years. More and more doctors promote the benefits of meditation to cure many stress related illnesses. Everyday most of us experience stress in many different ways and I believe many people are simply not aware of the benefits of meditation or of how much stress we actually hold on to. Normally life threatening situations trigger off the stress response which enables us to act without contemplation and deliberation and survive intense situations using fast reflexes. When our bodies are exposed to a sudden threat we respond with the characteristic fight or flight reaction which is known as an adrenaline rush. When adrenaline and other hormones are released from the adrenal glands the pulse races, blood pressure increases, our breathing becomes faster and the blood flow to the muscles increases. If we are in extreme danger these reactions are of great assistance and gain to us. We have inherited this survival response from our ancestors who faced many life threatening situations every day. The same response is now triggered in our daily lives when we are in a traffic hold up or someone irritates us at work or we simply break a cup. If we do not confront the situation (and many are beyond our control) we end up being in a permanent state of stress.

One of the most important benefits of meditation is how it releases stress from our bodies. Meditation practiced regularly will lead you to a deeper level of relaxation and contemplation. If you want to be free of constant worry, pressure and stress the benefits of meditation can give you a life that is calm, peaceful, happy and relaxed.

Even ten minutes of meditation a day will help alleviate stress.

Universal Dances of Peace

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of St John is hosting a Universal  Dances of Peace to be held at Maho Bay Camps Upper Pavilion on Tuesday evening Nov 13th from 7-9pm. The Dances of Peace are a meditative, spiritual practice using the mantras of all World Religions to promote Peace. The Dances of North American Sufic origin combine chants from world faiths with dancing, whirling and a variety of movement with Singing.

 Please join us. The emphasis is on participation regardless of ability. We are requesting a $15. donation but no one will be turned away. Rachel Theo-Maurelli and jeff Tiebout of Roanoke, Virginia will be leading the event. See you there!
Visiting teachers,Jeff and Rachel are dedicated chant and meditation practitioners. They are passionate teachers committed to encouraging everyone to cultivate their personal connection to the Divine within and shine their light into the world.

Event suggested by Do Yoga St. John member:

Suki Bachalter

Crystal Blue Yoga
Suki 340-642-3739
Jessa 970-376-2657

St. John Sightings

St. Johnian Lindsey Chabot

Yoga & Ayurveda Teacher

in Astavakrasana at the airport on her way back to St. John

The Guest House – Rumi

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

~ Rumi ~

Go In and In

Go in and in.
Be the space
between two cells,
the vast, resounding
silence in which
spirit dwells.
Be sugar dissolving
on the tongue of life.
Dive in and in,
as deep as you can dive.
Be infinite, ecstatic truth.
Be love conceived and born in union.
Be exactly what you seek,
the Beloved, singing yes,
tasting Yes, embracing yes,
until there is only essence;
the All of Everything
expressing through you
as you. Go in and in
and turn away from nothing that you find.

~ Danna Faulds ~


St. John Sightings

St. Johnian Joël Karamdeep Singh Brierre

Owner and Teacher at Radiant Awakening Kundalini Yoga Centre

spotted in Sydney, Australia

Ode to the Onion Pablo Neruda

luminous flask,
your beauty formed
petal by petal,
crystal scales expanded you
and in the secrecy of the dark earth
your belly grey round with dew.
Under the earth
the miracle
and when your clumsy
green stem appeared.
and your leaves were born
like swords
in the garden.
the earth heaped up her power
showing your naked transparency.
and as the remote sea
in lifting the breasts of Aphrodite
duplicated the magnolia.
So did the earth
make you,
clear as a planet,
and destined
to shine,
constant constellation
round case of water.
the table
of the poor.
you undo
your globe of freshness
in the fervent consummation
of the cooking pot
and the crystal shred
in the flaming heat of the oil
is transformed into a curled golden feather.

Then, too, I will recall how fertile
is your influence
on the love of the salad,
and it seems that the sky contributes
by giving you the shape of hailstones
to celebrate our chopped brightness
on the hemispheres of a tomato.
But within reach
of the hands if the common people,
sprinkled with oil.
with bit of salt,
you kill the hunger
of the day laborer on his hard path.

Star of the poor,
fairy godmother
in delicate
paper, you rise from the ground
eternal, whole, pure
like an astral seed.
and when the kitchen knife
cuts you, here arises
the only tear
without sorrow.

You make us cry without hurting us.
I have praised everything that exists,
but to me, onion, you are
more beautiful than a bird
of dazzling feathers,
you are to my eyes
a heavenly globe, a platinum goblet,
an unmoving dance
of the snowy anemone.

and the fragrance of the earth lives
in your crystalline nature.